Notizie DICSA

DICSA contributes to the SDGs



DICSA presents its Social Responsibility Report - 2022 in which it shows its total involvement in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, set by the United Nations.

DICSA is attached to the Social Responsibility Plan of Aragon since 2019, for this purpose it prepares an annual report in which it addresses issues such as ethics and integrity of the company. At the same time, it analyzes its relationship with stakeholders, customers, employees and suppliers. Likewise, an evaluation is made with respect to environmental and social criteria and its Social Responsibility Strategic Plan is presented.

The indicators set by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) are used to analyze the company, with which a comparison of the last three years is made. This provides a dynamic overview of three financial years, showing the company's development in all the areas analyzed. In addition, at the end of the report, three sustainable development objectives have been established on which the company wishes to place special emphasis, given that these are the objectives on which the company is most focused.


/Environmental Management/

In 2021 DICSA implemented ISO 14001:2015, on Environmental Management Systems. In addition, in just three years we have managed to reduce our carbon footprint by 90%. Total company's energy consumption comes from green energies.




/Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)/


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 challenges aimed at eradicating poverty, protecting the planet, ending economic inequality, promoting innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice. These are an initiative promoted by the United Nations to give continuity to the development agenda after the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). For all these reasons, we can affirm that at DICSA we have a winning business model and very favorable future perspectives.